Saturday, February 21, 2015

Mamayu Hayuning Bawono

Mamayu Hayuning Bawono, or "to preserve the beauty of the world", is an expression of the harmony which is a central tenet of Kejawen, the indigenous spiritual tradition of the Javanese people. This isn't just a simple statement of conservation, but implies living a life which contributes on all levels to the harmony of the world, and effects all aspects of human life.

A bit farther to the East, Hawaiians have Aloha, which can mean love, affection, peace, mercy, compassion, and the breath of life. The late Paul Pearsall wrote at length on the Polynesian outlook at life in The Pleasure Prescription: To Love, to Work, to Play - Life in the Balance.

The Navajo people talk of the Beauty Way, a way of living that is meant to restore and maintain Hozho, a sense of balance, beauty, harmony, and health, amongst tribe members.

Even the ancient Egyptians believed in Ma'at, both the Goddess who created Order from the primordial Chaos, and their concept of truth, balance, order, and justice. It was her feather that human hearts were weighed against in Duat, the Underworld, to determine whether they would reach Paradise.

Around the globe, "primitive" cultures stress the importance of balance and harmony, which stands in the starkest contrast to our Western belief that the world is to be subjagated and exploited. If we look around ourselves with honesty, it is easy to see what that is getting us.

We have come to a place where we need to make a choice about our futures. It is my sincere belief that we need to choose a lifestyle that stresses balance and harmony. I don't believe this message is at odds with what constitutes the core of the Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam). It is my sincere hope that I may contribute, in some small way, to preserving the beauty of the world. I invite you to do the same.

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